Bum Marketing For Building A Stable Income
What I found has been working for me lately is promoting products that pay me monthly. It's so much easier to make money with Bum Marketing when you promote a product that pays you every month you keep a client or customer with them.
Why promote a product, go to all the effort of writing articles to promote these products to only get paid once, when I can get paid every month.
Not every niche or trend has products like this available, but if they do, I will promote them over a product that pays me once off.

If I can find a membership site on the topic I am writing articles on, a membership site that will pay me every month a customer stays subscribed, you better believe I will take that over an ebook or something similar.
For example. If a product is giving away $10 a month in commission per sale, that one sale could result in $60 to $120 in sales down the track. Sure it might be less then what I would get if I were to promote a product like an ebook and get $20 or $30 per sale, but I'm happy to take that risk.
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